Coach Katelyn

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If You Want to Capture His Attention, Do This...

Get His Attention This Way...

As hard as it might be to believe this right now, even if you’ve been told this (and told it to yourself) a thousand times, you are actually and truly more magnificent than you can even imagine…

AND—if the “secret” to having the magnificent love and life you’ve always dreamed of has still always seemed just out of reach, I can help.

Sometimes, you just stumble on things by accident. Sometimes the ‘secrets” to love are right there in are faces, and we just can’t even see them because of all the “training” we’ve had as women our whole lives.

You can have the love and life you want because you deserve it.

And you don’t deserve it because of what you’re “done” - you deserve it because of what you ARE—and what you are is a natural Love Whisperer.

Yes, a “natural”- who, like the rest of us, have been taught to “shout” by completely bypassing our natural gifts as women that actually give us the power to draw men and life’s wonderful moments to us in our natural “whisper.” The truth is, you and I are on this planet to influence everything around us to love, and this is a huge power we’ve been taught to hide away.

Being a Love Whisperer is learning to take your gifts out of hiding and use them for good. For love, happiness, and the peace of everyone and everything…


And it all starts with you. 


I discovered completely by accident that I already had the secret to having it all.

I never knew I was a “Whisperer.” I always had a special “way” with animals, and I just did what I did, organically and naturally from the time I was a small child.  Horses and I simply understood one another.

I’d already spent many years successfully and miraculously healing horses and humans and creating mutual understanding between them, and yet, I didn't know the magic I held in my hand until disaster struck my own life and I lost everything!

…my man, my home, my money... in essence, I lost everything I ever knew and held dear.  

I went from wealthy socialite to broke and broken social case in one sweep of the pen when the divorce papers were signed.  

I went from having it all to complete devastation.

What brought me through that terrible time, what saved me, built me back up, put me back together stronger than ever and taught me to have the amazing life I have now - is what I’d already learned from my work as a “Horse Whisperer!” But, for the first time in my life, I applied it to MY life! I applied it to my own love life, my relationship, my happiness as a person.

So, using all the magic tools of horse whispering, ones you can quickly learn and apply to your own life the way i did, here’s a quick way to begin finding your inner Love Whisperer:


Trace Your Hand Tool

1. Look at the palm of your hand
2. Breathe in the energy from your hand. Just feel it float up from your hand, offering you strength, clarity, the sense of touch and new softness
3. Breathe out through your hand and out through the tips of your fingers
4. Place the index finger of your other hand on the center of your palm
5. Move your finger down each line, gently and slowly
6. Send love to each line in the palm in your hand.
6. Notice how it feels to lovingly trace your hand


Let me know how this exercise works for you. My inbox is always open. 

Love in Whisperings, 
