Coach Katelyn offers two distinct and equally powerful programs that incorporate horses into her sessions.
is a powerful tool by which many discover more about themselves, heal imbalances within themselves, and improve every relationship in their lives.
Equine Masterclass
is a 2-day program for horse owners wanting to gain a better rapport with their horse, in addition to the benefits of equine assisted restorative learning.
EQUINE ASSISTED REstorative Learning
Equine assisted Restorative Learning is a powerful tool by which many discover more about themselves, heal imbalances within themselves, and improve the relationships in their lives.
Why work with horses
Unlike other domesticated animals, horses are essentially still-wild animals who have allowed us into their lives, and when we interact with them, we form a relationship unmediated by the social dynamics of our day-to-day lives. Put simply, you bring your authentic self to any interaction with a horse, and the horse, neither bred nor raised to be anything other than its authentic self, reacts to you.
Having spent the better part of my life working with horses, I have experienced first-hand what these magnificent creatures can teach us about ourselves, and I have honed my natural instincts for reading their body language—the swish of tail, the tightening of mouth. These microexpressions, together with your own, reflect valuable information about your personal presence and your relational self.
What to expect in equine assisted sessions
Using proven exercises, we will work on the ground with either my horses or your own. This work will teach you to listen with new awareness, as well as access and change your behavioral patterns to become more centered and better equipped to meet life’s daily challenges.
See how minute adjustments inside can impact the behavior of others
Practice creating and maintaining energetic balance
Use your internal power to overcome life challenges and facilitate personal growth
No prior horse experience is necessary for equine assisted sessions.
For horse owners wanting to gain a better rapport and stronger connection with their horse(s) and equine professionals and healers wanting to improve their skills with both horses and clients, I offer in-depth, 2-day equine masterclasses.
The masterclass will not only shed light on every area of your life, it will also enable you to be a better partner to your horse(s). If your horses are being difficult or acting out, they are communicating to you that your approach isn’t meeting their individual needs. Many of my clients have told me that their horses have emerged from the masterclass “miraculously trained,” simply because they learned more about themselves and how their behaviors impact others.
In this highly focused program, you will:
Learn how to recognize what your horse is trying to tell you about yourself and how you interact with others.
Uncover your blocks to effective communication. Whether you fear confrontation, saying the wrong thing, being judged or rejected, I will help you reprogram your energetic frequencies and patterns to give and receive consistent, clear and uncluttered communication.
Uncover your blocks to either graciously accept leadership from others, work in partnership, or be comfortable in the role of leader.
Examine where in your life you are in balance and where you are out of balance. You will also learn to become aware when you are out of balance, what are the signs, and how to enlist your horse to help you find balance when you feel out of sync.
Explore gratitude in an entirely different way than you might have ever experienced.
Learn to meditate by connecting with yourself, nature and your horse.
Create a plan to use what you learn over the next 30, 60, 90 days and beyond to effect meaningful change in your life.
“Katelyn is an incredible teacher. She has amazing intuition when it comes to both people and horses which makes working with her a truly magical experience. I have worked with many horse trainers over my fifteen years of experience, and I feel confident in saying Katelyn is the best at what she does. I wish everyone who works with horses could have a chance to work with her.”