
If your heart has been wounded try open heart tune up.

Open Your Heart to Keep Him Close


You are truly more magnificent than you can even imagine…

If You want to Capture His Attention, Do This


From Toxic Man-Magnet, to Great Man-Magnet...

Toxic Men


If you want to capture his attention, whisper... 

My Man Won't Commit

I’ll let you in on a little secret.

Men look to women to “do the relationship.”  

They seem to instinctively know what they want and what they don't want and have no problem going after the woman they want, but once they get us, they still look to us as women to show them the way just by the fact that we are feminine feeling creatures… something that is as alien as fascinating to them.  

Men are masculine ‘doing’ creatures, women are feminine ‘being’ creatures.  

It’s true!

So, If men really do look to us and we women lead them with the best of intent, down the same old disastrous rabbit hole we have been living in for generation after generation, they have little choice but to behave and react exactly the way they have for centuries.  

They retreat.  

They shut down and they disappear. The ultimate betrayal.  Adam and Eve revisited. Toxic man breeding ground.  

You got it!  

We create our own monsters in our men.

And it doesn't have to be that way.

By turning from the old ways we women have been dealing with men as monsters, betrayers, leavers, players, as immature children, sexual fiends or disinterested bores, as people we somehow, deep down, believe we NEED in order to get our basic human needs met - and instead begin always coming from love - we can change our romantic relationships and our lives right along with them.

If this sounds like too big a task, try me! What I've learned from years of training women to heal their relationships with horses - and thus heal the horses themselves - translates almost perfectly to healing our relationships with men, and healing the men themselves.

Book a free Love Whispering Session with me here: