You are upset. Something he did or said triggered intense emotion in you. It may have been accidental or deliberate, but the fact remains you are upset. It doesn’t matter if it is justified. Sure, you could always drop it and sometimes you may decide that is the best idea for the moment, but do not make a decision until you read this.
The 7 Types of Toxic Men
Here's Why He's Not Listening...
Choosing your words with your man is important. Did you know that your choice of words and the frequency or vibrational energy that you put out what we are talking to a man can make or break a relationship?
There are two basic ways to speak to a man. Speaking to control or “Control-Speak” and speaking from surrender or “Surrender-Speak.”
The Secrets of a Love Whisperer
I am a Love Whisperer. I effortlessly whisper to the world around me—to my husband, my business partner, to men, to women, to my boss, to my employees, my friends and family...everyone that crosses my path! But most importantly, I love whisper to me. Always and unconditionally, I live in love. And because I whisper love, my heart is open to receive love, all love, without exception.