It's February. When you think of February, I'll bet it isn't groundhog day that you think of. It's not President's Day's Valentines day.
Same old pressure filled, over commercialized, Hallmark generated holiday...that we all get weird around every year. We feel pressure. We create it. We instinctively use this day to reevaluate our own lives, our own relationships and marriages. We use this day to make us crazy! We know what we do. We analyze and become super critical of ourselves or if we are in a relationship, our men too.
Even worse, on this day we also tend to be able to find every glaring fault about our bodies. You know what I mean, you run to the lingerie shop to find the perfect little sexy something to complete the Valentine experience you are planning. But of course, once you try it on, you are disgusted by the way the fabric feels on your body. You are appalled at your stretch marks and belly. You start imagining the young co worker in your mans office. I'll bet you could bounce a penny off her belly.
Or you think about your sisters perfect marriage, perfect home, and perfectly dressed kids—while you are flying around your apartment at the last minute attempting 2 months worth of cleaning in 10 minutes before he shows up.
The thought of a sexy evening now feels more like how you might feel when you have to clean out the refrigerator.
This exclusive resource is dedicated to tips turning it all around right now so that you feel calm, sane, happy, and even inspired about your relationship through Valentines' Day, February, every day all year, from now on and forever.
If you are reading this, I know you are like me. Whether you are married, in a relationship right now, or out there looking—you want a great relationship. You want a relationship that seems to sail along happily and smoothly, full of love and fufillment, respect and mutual understanding. You want it so much it's almost...embarrassing. You've tried everything you know, but NOTHING works...not really anyway...
BUT what if I told you that if you did this one unlikely thing, it would help. What if I told you that your man who is all but ignoring you completely would suddenly start to pay attention. What if every man, any man, that you came in contact with would start to treat you differently if you do this one thing.
It might sound strange.
It might be counter-intuitive.
It might be uncomfortable.
But, it works.
This tool is so huge and powerful, I have to work you into it slowly. I began writing about this tool on my public blog last week, and I got so many responses and reactions, I thought I'd expand and really show you how to make the change you need.
I'm talking about Circular Dating.
OMG! Here comes the groans again...
Wait! I understand where the disconnect is. Why "dating" sounds like it's too much to handle. I understand why it scares you, why it feels icky, uncomfortable and even maybe laborious. But don't fret, we're going to take this one step at a time.
Circular Dating has many faucets. It's just too big of a bite to swallow all at once. There's a lot to digest and learn to get it right. What I want to share today is just the very first step. It's too much to expect you to understand why you should want to do it, realize why you need to do it, the immense power of it, and how it can change your relationship and life forever unless I break it down into something you can practice on anyone, anywhere, anytime.
So, here's the first, most basic step.
Feeling Messages
What are feeling messages?
- Feeling Messages are a way of speaking without sounding like a boring court reporter.
- Feeling Messages are a way to speak your truth in a way that never blames anyone for your experience or situation.
- Feeling Messages are a fast way to get in touch with who you really are and what you really feel.
- Feeling Messages set you free to experience a new way of being that is fun and rewarding.
- Feeling Messages naturally attract men to you like a moth to a flame.
- Feeling Messages can change everything FAST!
How can Feeling Messages do any of that? Well, they do that and more! But first, you have to trust the discomfort. Trust the process.
Try this:
Imagine something that happened recently that was nice or pleasant. Let's say a trip to the coffee shop.
Now talk about it.
"I went to the coffee shop and sat outside"
Is one way of describing your day, but it's also factual and boring.
I asked you to think of something pleasant. SO, ask yourself, what was it about the coffee shop that was wonderful? What made it a good experience? Let's explore...
Look inside yourself and create the experience of the coffee shop in your mind's eye. Remember the sights, sounds, and feelings. Now pick something and describe how it felt to you.
"I felt the warm breeze tease my skin as I sipped coffee at the cafe"
Okay, now compare the statements. Which captures your attention?
You can do this with anything, anyone, at anytime. Describe eating an apple or driving to work or walking the dog. Find something good in every experience and describe how it felt by using "I feel, I felt, or I am feeling."
I'll let you in on a little secret:
Men are attracted to our feeling, feminine selves because they have trouble accessing feelings on their own. Our ability to feel and access emotion is a mystery to most of them and it drives men WILD when we can spark feelings in them. This is a whole, much bigger concept to be explained more in depth next week, but for now, just try with the idea:
"I speak my truth."
Let me know how it works out for you. 💖